Download a PDF schedule for the entire year and then join us each day as we read through the Bible […]
If we are indeed living in the last days before the return of Christ, we should expect things to get better and worse at the same time. We should expect hard times and good times, increasing opposition and amazing open doors, trouble ahead and glorious gospel victories.
Sermon Series: World MissionsYou’ve probably heard the old joke about the fellow who was told, “Cheer up. Things could be worse.” So he […]
Text: II Timothy 3Followers of Christ can be confident of salvation and sanctification because of the work of the Holy Spirit. We’re to stand firm and hold to the truth of the Bible in these final days.
Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5As the home goes, so goes the church. Everything we believe begins in the home where we learn to worship, […]
Text: Deuteronomy 6:1-9; 2 Timothy 3:14-17“Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.” Psalm 119:89 “You have exalted above all things […]
Text: 2 Timothy 3:16Thank God for the Bible because without it, we would never know about Jesus. And without Jesus, we could never be saved. But the Bible is true and it is the Word of God.
Text: Various“Modern theology of almost every shade is in crisis.” With those words Clark Pinnock begins his monumental work Biblical Revelation: […]
Text: II Timothy 3:16