
Together is Better
by Brian Bill

When we gather together we will grow, give and go with the gospel.

Text: Acts 2:44-47
Sermon Series: On Mission

Money is the Root of all Evil
by Brian Bill

Our text for today is commonly taken out of context in our culture.  When I did a Google search for […]

Text: 1 Timothy 6:3-10
Sermon Series: CONTEXT

Getting it Right
by Brian Bill

The Bible clearly says, “There is no God.”  Does that surprise you?  I’m not making that up.  This strong statement […]

Text: 2 Timothy 2:14-19
Sermon Series: CONTEXT

Engage with Thankfulness
by Brian Bill

I’m glad you came this weekend because I just received the latest forecast for Thanksgiving Day. Turkeys will thaw in […]

Text: 1 Chronicles 16:8-12
Sermon Series: Engage

Counter-Cultural Christianity: Homosexuality
by Brian Bill

An unloving group that calls themselves a church and uses the name Baptist is spreading a message of judgment and […]

Sermon Series: Counter Cultural Christianity

Forgiving Our Failures
by Brian Bill

Christ cleanses when we confess.

Text: 1 John 1:8-2:2
Sermon Series: Confident Christianity (1 John)

Spend Less
by Brian Bill

Note: The idea for this series and some content comes from a book by Rick McKinley, Chris Seay, and Greg […]

Text: 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19
Sermon Series: Advent Anticipation

Angry Man Alert
by Ray Pritchard

In this message, Ray Pritchard talks about the five character qualities that relate to a man and his anger. When our power is not under God’s control, we hurt ourselves and those closest to us. We need God’s help so that we might become like Jesus who was both gentle and strong, a true “gentle man.”

Sermon Series: Couples Conference 2007

Do Not Neglect Your Spiritual Gift
by Ray Pritchard

Is ministry your Spiritual Gift? No man calls himself into the ministry or into local church leadership. A self-called man and a God-called man are two different people. One man thinks he’s qualified so he calls himself. The other man feels unworthy but responds to God’s call. If God has called you, rise up, go forth and serve the Lord.

Text: 1 Timothy 4:14
Sermon Series: Standalone Messages

Overcoming Materialism
by Ray Pritchard

What you keep for yourself, you eventually lose. What you give away, you gain eternally.

Text: I Timothy 6:17-19
Sermon Series: The Overcoming Series