Rummaging Through the Internet
June 1, 2006
Useful things I’ve found while rummaging through the Internet …
Bill Hull points out four ways we do the right thing in the wrong way.
Mark Dever explains the relationship between biblical authority and the complementarian view of gender roles.
Big Orange Truck has a lot on his mind these days. He has some excellent graduation advice for young men about to enter the ministry. He also says there is no place for coarse language in the pulpit.
You can find a gold mine of biblical resources at Precept Austin.
Rubel Shelley always has something good to say. A few weeks ago he wrote about hearing the still, small voice of God. I like the way he puts it:
Strange as it may seem, the greater need for some of us may be less for stillness than to learn how to hear God’s voice smack in the middle of all the noise, chaotic activity, and disorienting trouble.
Mark Driscoll offers words of wisdom to weary pastors in his entry called Death by Ministry. Note his very wise nine suggested solutions. They are all valuable, but number 8 (Spend Most of Your Time Training Leaders) is absolutely vital.
Steve Nicholes has a fine blog from Korea called Just Our Two Cents.
I think ZabaSearch is the best free people search engine on the Internet.
This weekend the Keep Believing Ministries board comes to Tupelo for a meeting. They might think twice about that if they read this article about snakes in north Mississppi.
I end with the happy news that the Tupelo Elvis Festival starts tomorrow.