Revival Time
August 19, 2006
The following ad appeared in the Tupelo newspaper today:
We start in a few hours with a hamburger supper followed by the “Pack-a-Pew” Saturday night service with a special emphasis on youth. I’ll be speaking on the topic, “Who Really Killed Jesus?”
I think it’s been 25 years, at least, since I spoke at a revival meeting. The people have been organizing home prayer meetings and there is a 12-hour prayer chain at the church leading up to the first service. When the pastor and I prayed in the sanctuary earlier this week, we asked God to send revival, and then one of us, “Lord, we don’t even know what we’re asking for.” I’m sure that’s true. Revival is God’s gracious work whereby he comes in great power to stir up his children, wake up the backsliders, alarm the indifferent, and grant saving faith to the unconverted. Long years ago we used to sing, “Mercy drops round us are falling, but for the showers we plead.”
By the way, the best book (by far) on revival that I’ve read is True Revival by John Armstrong.
If you are in the area, join us tonight or tomorrow morning or tomorrow night for the Summer Harvest Revival at Parkway Baptist Church in Tupelo. If you can’t join us, then please help us through your prayers that God’s Spirit may move in life-changing power.