
August 25, 2007

This week at Cannon Beach we enjoyed the ministry of an a cappella group from the Portland area called Rescue. These four young men (plus a sound guy) can really sing.

They opened last Saturday night with “Before the Throne of God I Stand” and they closed last night with their own rendition of “I Love You, Lord.” In between we were treated to all sorts of music, most of it a cappella, though they did do a few newer songs with the piano. Marlene and I had a chance to get to know the guys in Rescue this week and they were funny, easy-going, dedicated, full of life, and great to be around.

It was easy to preach after they finished singing. We all agreed that we hope our paths cross again down the road. I told them to look us up whenever they come through Tupelo–and then I found out they were in Jackson, Mississippi seven or eight years ago and in Memphis about four years ago. That’s defintiely in our neighborhood.

Check them out. Great guys, greatly gifted, servant’s hearts, and they love to sing.

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