Pray for Ukraine
February 24, 2022
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On Monday afternoon I joined Chris Fabry in a program devoted praying for Ukraine in light of the Russian invasion. Click on the link above to hear my prayer along with a prayer Chris prayed at the end of the program.
Here is the prayer I typed out as a guide:
Heavenly Father,
Your word says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”
We know that you are a God of peace and that Jesus is the Prince of Peace.
We come to you in this hour because we have nowhere else to go.
Some trust in horses, and some in chariots, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
Lord, you alone can give lasting peace on earth.
So we pray for the people of Ukraine who find themselves in the midst of a fearful conflict.
Draw near to them, O Lord.
Protect them.
May this conflict come to a speedy and just conclusion.
May those who don’t know the peace of Christ be drawn to the Prince of Peace right now.
We pray for pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers throughout Ukraine. Grant them wisdom as they minister hope in your name.
Deliver us from fear, Lord.
Deliver us from anger.
Deliver us from a desire for revenge.
We pray for those who are on the move as they seek refuge from the conflict. Guide them, we pray, to safety..
We ask you to cause this war to cease.
We pray for the body of Christ in Ukraine.
Help your people in this desperate hour.
Wake us up, Lord, and deliver us from spiritual complacency.
Revive your church in the midst of chaos, doubt and fear.
Bring peace to Ukraine.
Bring peace to our hearts.
Bring peace through Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
In whose name we pray, Amen.