On the Road Again
July 23, 2014
This morning we’re beginning our longest trip of the year. We start by flying to Chicago for Nick and Sarah’s wedding on Saturday.
On Monday we fly to San Jose, California and then drive to Mt. Hermon Conference Center where I’m one of the speakers for Dallas Seminary Week.
On Saturday August 2 we fly from San Jose to Portland, Oregon and drive to the Pacific Coast for a week of ministry at Cannon Beach Conference Center. God willing, we will fly back to Dallas on August 9.
We approach this weekend with all sorts of emotions because three days after Nick and Sarah get married, Josh and Leah and Knox and Violet leave for China. This is a major moment in our family’s journey. We will be together for a few days and then we will scatter to the four winds.
I just did some rough calculations and figured out that we will travel 5947 miles in the next 18 days. Pray for us that God will guide our steps and make our way straight and use us as he sees fit to encourage people wherever we go.
Time to head for the airport.