Note from a Prisoner’s Wife

February 2, 2013

It’s not often that we hear from the wife of a prisoner.But this note we received recently made us start start cheering: 

Dear Mr. Pritchard,

My husband is an inmate at West TN State Prison and your book “An Anchor For The Soul” is all he talked about in his last letter to me and his mother!!! We have 2 children and i cant find a free copy of your book anywhere, please help me to find one? Please pray for us.

I’d like to quote him in his letter he has never spoken nor written anything like this to me before and i cryed tears of joy……

“Grace is where God gives us something we don’t deserve or we could never earn. I don’t deserve you and without God I couldn’t have earned you so i thought by the Grace of God He gave me you!”

Thank you so much God Bless you!!!!

But that’s not the end of the story. 

A few days later she contacted one of our volunteers who sent her several copies of An Anchor for the Soul. Then we received a second email last week:

Hello again, I thought i would let you guys know that my husband was baptized last Thursday in front of the whole population along with eleven other inmates!!!!! That is wonderful news and I wanted to share the great news.

The kids and i have been going to Mercy Chapel which is part of the Salvation Army and I testified at church today for him and myself! It was unbelievably easy to tell our story. I feel that in some way i need to help other families or inmates. God has blessed us in so many ways and i want only to be able to share our journey with others, in hope to help other people/families in the same situation! God bless you all!!! Thank you so much for the prayers and your faith!!

In the last few months we’ve shipped out 49,000 copies of Anchor, most of them to prison ministries across the country. We don’t often get to hear “the rest of the story” like this so we wanted to share the good news with you.

Please pray for this husband who has found Christ in prison, and for his wife and their two children. Would you also join us in asking our Father to use the Anchor books to bring thousands more to Jesus Christ?

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