New Booklet: When Cancer Slows You Down

June 4, 2024

We have just released our latest booklet called “When Cancer Slows You Down.”

I never expected to have cancer.

My doctor says the outlook for a cure is excellent, but when you are 71, you can’t kid yourself. My life, my health, and my future are in God’s hands. When Chris Fabry interviewed me on Moody Radio about my cancer journey, he asked me what God had been teaching me.

This booklet is my answer to that question. I wrote it because cancer touches all of us in one way or another.

I hope you will use this booklet as a ministry tool to help others going through a hard time.

We’re making the booklet available for a suggested donation of $1 per copy. Please note that we only ship within the United States. Click on this link to place an order.

You can download a FREE PDF version of “When Cancer Slows You Down.”

Would you help us spread the message by ordering copies of this booklet to share with your friends?



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