Men’s Retreat at Silver Spur
September 24, 2006
This weekend I spoke for a Men’s Retreat at Silver Spur Conference Center in Tuolumne, California, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, just east of the San Joaquin Valley. It took me 16 1/2 hours to get here from Tupelo on Friday. In a few hours I leave for the return trip, which hopefully won’t take as long.
About 135 men came to the conference from churches in central California. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and felt right at home because the men came with hungry hearts.“>Andy Allen, our worship leader, has enormous musical gifts and a deep sensitivity to God. I was privileged to talk and pray with many men during our time together. God met us this weekend in a powerul way, and I was very glad to be here.
Here are the four messages I gave this weekend:
Friday PM Samson and the Fine Art of Self-Control
Saturday AM Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit
Saturday PM Why God Allows Good Men to Fall
Sunday AM If I Believe, Why Do I Doubt?