MEF Conference Messages
June 25, 2006
Here are the four messages I preached at the MEF Bible Conference in Colorado Springs last week:
Monday seminar: Praying For Your Prodigal
Tuesday night: God’s Freedom
Thursday night: If I Believe, Why Do I Doubt?
Friday morning: How to Help a Caveman
On Thursday afternoon Marlene and I led a seminar on forgiveness. You can find much of the material we used in this message:
Healing the Hurt We Never Deserved
For those who are interested, here are two entries that give personal updates about where we are and what we’re doing:
Six Months in Mississippi
A Few More Questions, A Few More Answers
Here are some pictures of the cabin in the woods where we live:
The KBM Board Retreat
Peter’s Pictures
Finally, here’s a link to our first major project:
KBM Anchor for China Project