May your days be numbered like Methuselah!

September 26, 2009

I am writing this note from my hotel in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. In a little while I’m heading over to the First Baptist Church to speak at a Flashpoint Conference sponsored by Word of Life Canada. Tomorrow I’m speaking at Emmanuel Bible Church in Simcoe. Then on Monday I’ll be heading home.

And so it happens that I’m in Canada on my birthday. Last night my brother Alan remarked to Marlene that “Ray is 57 and he’s healthy. That’s a good thing.” Yes, it is. Earlier this week I was chatting with a friend who is battling cancer. As we were parting someone walked up, looked at the sky, and said, “It’s a good day to be alive except for the rain.” My friend immediately shot back, “It’s a good day to be alive, period.” He’s right. Every day above ground is a winner.

I’ve been overwhelmed with birthday greetings on my Facebook page. That’s one nice thing about Facebook. You stay in touch with people you might never otherwise meet. Most of the notes this morning are some variation of “Happy Birthday, Ray.” But I just read this one from my friend Larry Ayuba in Nigeria. He wrote a long greeting in what you might call King James English. I liked all of it but especially the line about “I promise to eat a burger on your behalf.” He knows me well. Here’s what Larry wrote:

The days are going bye. Getting older and stronger. May God’s immeasurable blessings envelop you on this day. May you be taught of Him to number your days aright. May all the blessings of the Lord accrue to you bountifully.May your dreams materialise in this celebration. May God’s favour encompass you and drive you through your destiny. May your days be numbered like Methuselah!

May you continue to be a source of joy to so many people. You are indeed a blessing to this generation. So I pray that you will fulfill your divine mandate, Mission and vision. God will strengthen you for the task ahead. May you by next celebration have more reasons for thanksgiving! May laughter be your second name, and joy of the Lord over shadow you. Congratulations Man of God. I am full of joy for you as ever! I promise to eat a burger on your behalf. Shalom! Happy Birthday.

PS According to Genesis 5:27, Methuselah lived to be 969 years old. By those standards, I’m just getting started. 

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