Keep Believing Northern Ireland

August 31, 2008

Yesterday we received a note from a pastor in Northern Ireland. Here’s what he said:

Greetings my dear brother from Belfast Northern Ireland.
May I please thank you for your Bible sermons and studies. They have been a real blessing to me as a Pastor, who also needs feeding.
Would you please give my greetings to your people and please ask them to pray for me and the work that I am involved in.
I have just this past week finished a children’s mission in a very hard housing estate. The whole place for many years was controlled by the I.R.A.  There was a lot of bloodshed here; in fact the British Army would not go into the place or the police.
God has called us to reach these people with the gospel and that is what we seek to do for His glory and honour.
May God bless you in your work and I hope that you know the Lords hand on your family and your ministry.
Yours in His Royal Service.
Pastor Jim

If anyone wants to know what Keep Believing is all about, this note is a big part of the answer. God has called us to encourage and equip the body of Christ worldwide. We especially want to encourage pastors, missionaries, and other Christian workers.

Would you pray for Pastor Jim as he takes the gospel into a very difficult place where the enemy has a powerful hold on many families? Your support of Keep Believing Ministries allows us to partner with Pastor Jim as he shares the Good News in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

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