KBM Website Update

March 1, 2008

KBM Logo For over a year we have been working on a major overhaul of the Keep Believing website. We started talking about it in February 2007, discussed it in detail last July and again in September, and in November we hired Derek Taylor of Taylor Design Studios to rebuild the KBM website from the ground up. I am glad to report that the major work is nearly done and that we will be launching the website by the end of next week. I can’t give you the exact day because I don’t know for sure, but I can tell you that one day toward the end of next week, you will come to KeepBelieving.com and it will look nothing at all like it does now.

Derek would want me to tell you that there are many features we will be adding after the launch date. We know that there are some bugs you can’t find until the site goes live. In a sense, this is a “rolling launch” or a “beta launch” because we will be tweaking it in big and small ways for weeks to come. And of course, given the march of technology, no website is every truly “done.” It’s always under construction.

We aren’t just doing this to be doing it. We are using the latest techniques to make it very easy for people out there on the Internet who don’t have a clue about who we are or what we’re about to find us and use our online resources. We already know that people from many nations come to the Keep Believing website. We want to see that number double and double again and then double again. A wise friend told us several years ago that we needed to “make the funnel larger,” meaning we needed to redesign the site so that more people can find us. We think we’ve done that, and we intend to keep on working hard at it in the months to come.

Everywhere I go I tell people that Keep Believing is an Internet-driven ministry. My travel and speaking, though it is very visible, is not the heart of what we do. Our ministry starts right here.

So stay tuned. The new website is almost here. One day soon what you’ve seen for the last few years will be gone. We hope you like the new design, and we want you to help us make it even better.

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?