KBM Update—August 25
August 25, 2006
It’s been a while since I’ve passed along news about Keep Believing Ministries (KBM). A lot has happened over the summer, much of it behind the scenes work related to getting this new ministry established on a firm foundation.
1) Go to the About page if you’d like to know our vision in more detail. You’ll find a list of our seven main priorities, a fast fact about our books in China, our core values, a few of our big dreams, the seven members of our Board of Directors, and much more.
2) Here’s part of a recent email from our publisher in Beijing regarding our two books being distributed in China:
We are looking into printing a new batch of Anchor for the Soul, and are thinking of making some changes. There has been a really good response and many bookstores are wanting to order 1,000 + copies! Also we know that the content has been really helpful and many people have been encouraged and inspired by it. Due to this, we are thinking that it would be good to get as many copies out as possible. We have already distributed 12,300 copies and so still have funds for another 10,870.
Just to give you the latest news on the ABC’s of Wisdom, this book is also selling well and is very popular “ I was at a restaurant with some Chinese friends a few evenings ago and one of the girls repeatedly told me how good she thought ABC’s was!! So far we have sold over 8000 copies and printed 18,000.
(September 1 update: We just learned that a third book, The Incredible Journey of Faith, is being translated into Chinese.)
3) We want to equip 25,000 Chinese pastors and church leaders with free copies of the Chinese edition of An Anchor for the Soul. Even though the book has only been in circulation a few months, already thousands of copies have been distributed across the country. At this moment we have received around $6000 toward our goal of $25,000.
4) In the past we donated (through the ministry of Calvary Memorial Church in Oak Park, IL) over 250,000 copies of the English version of An Anchor for the Soul to prisoners in cooperation with Prison Fellowship, Good News Jail and Prison Ministry and local prison ministries. We also donated thousands of copies of Anchor to soldiers serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, many of them in Afghanistan and Iraq. God also opened a door for the book to be used in disaster relief and in missionary outreach. We want to establish a book depot in the Chicago area so that we can give away 500,000 copies. Cliff Raad is helping set up the book deport. We estimate the initial cost to be around $50,000.
5) Ever since An Anchor for the Soul was published in 2000, we have received numerous requests for a Spanish version. I am happy to report that Editorial Unilit has signed a contract with Moody Publishers to produce the Spanish translation. We hope it will be available in the next few months.
6) In my travels around America this summer, I have been asked one question about the KBM website over and over again: “When are you going to add video and audio to the website?” These days it’s not enough to be text-based. People want mp3 downloads, podcasting, video streaming, etc. My answer is, it’s on the way. We’re working hard on the steps we need to take to make that happen. Stay tuned.
7) I am very grateful for those who serve with me on the Board of Directors: Peter Faulkner, Brian Bill, David Hoy, MaryAnn Spiegel, Alan Pritchard and Cliff Raad. I love their commitment and their enthusiasm and their desire to see what God is going to do through KBM.
8) There are our Core Values ….
A) Living intentionally
B) Ministering as a team
C) Encouraging believers everywhere we go
D) Moving forward by prayer
E) Doing all things with financial integrity
F) Cooperation, not competition
G) Helping, not always leading
H) Empowering others to serve the Lord
9) A special thanks to those who have prayed for us, and thanks also for your financial gifts that have helped us move forward.
10) We want to fulfill our theme verse in all that we do: “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13).