KBM PO Box Now Working

June 1, 2006

Last month I announced the formation of Keep Believing Ministries. In that entry I mentioned that we had just opened a PO Box and a bank account and could now take donations.
That simple announcement has turned into a bit of an unexpected adventure …
Two weeks ago we opened our bank account and PO Box in Elmhurst, IL.
I made the big announcement on the weblog and to the sermon email list.
However, for reasons that remain obscure, the Post Office in Elmhurst approved our paperwork for a PO Box, but then sat on the paperwork for an entire week.
We thought the PO Box was working when it wasn’t.
So some people who sent in early gifts had them bounce back with the notice “No Such Address.”
We know of at least two early gifts that were sent back that way.
Meanwhile the Post Office in Elmhurst now has it all worked out and our PO Box is working fine.
We know that because we’re now receiving mail at that address.
And I’m notifying various people letting them know what happened.
Whew! The trials and tribulations of launching a new ministry.
All of that to say I apologize if you sent a gift and it was returned. And also to say that the new address is now working just fine:
Keep Believing Ministries
P.O. Box 257
Elmhurst, IL 60126

Thanks to everyone who sent words of encouragement. Thanks even more for your prayers. This week the KBM board meets here in Tupelo for a time of sharing, prayer, vision-casting. When I heard Harry Bollback talk about Jack Wyrtzen and the founding of Word of Life, I prayed that like Jack, we might be able to say, “I being in the way, the Lord led me.”

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?