Just Keep Putting Your Shoes On Every Day

December 19, 2008

A good friend sent an encouraging note this week about KBM. After writing some very kind words, he added this piece of advice:

“Ray…. Just keep putting your shoes on every day and go to work.”

None of us knows the real impact we have on the lives of others. I tell pastors struggling with discouragement, “You’re not in a good position to judge your effectiveness.” If you think you’re hitting a home run, better let the Lord make the call. If you think you’ve just struck out, leave that call with him also. I imagine that in heaven we’ll discover that our greatest impact happened with people we didn’t even know about.

And between now and then? Just keep putting your shoes on every day and go to work. So that’s why I found this picture of working boots because it reminds me that if I’ve had a bad day, fine, go to bed, sleep it off, get up tomorrow, lace up my boots and get back to work. The same is true if I’ve had a great, incredible, red-letter day of victory upon victory.

That’s a wise rule to live by whether we’ve had a good day or a bad day. Either way, we’ve got to lace up our boots and get back to work.

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?