Jesus is Coming. Are You Ready?
May 20, 2011
I write this on the eve of Judgment Day, the one predicted by Harold Camping and his followers. The prediction relies on a complex set of assumptions and mathematical calculations regarding Bible chronology that the rest of us recognize for what it is.
No one knows the day or the hour. No one knows for certain how close the return of Christ actually is.
But that’s only one part of the story. And here’s where I’d like to give exactly one-half of one cheer for Harold Camping. He has put the Second Coming on the front page. Right now “iftheworldendsonsaturday” is one of the trending topics on Twitter.
Down deep we all wonder, “Could it really happen tomorrow?”
The answer is yes. People who say categorically that Jesus couldn’t come on May 21 are as dogmatically wrong as Harold Camping.
If no one knows, no one knows.
The false teaching of one old man won’t stop Jesus from coming back tomorrow if that’s when the Father declares that the time has come.
Which brings me to my friend Gary Olson who used to greet people by saying, “Jesus is coming. Are you ready?”
Great question.
It’s the sort of thing the old-time preachers used to say a lot. I think it’s gone out of style.
But just in case . . .
If Jesus comes tomorrow . . .
Or on Sunday . . .
Or on Monday . . .
Or anytime in the next few days . . .
Are you ready?
Don’t miss the big point. Jesus is coming. I’ll be delighted if he comes tomorrow. To be clear about it, I have no secret inisght as to when the Lord is coming. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not for a hundred years.
Personally I’m glad we’re talking about this. Sure, it’s sort of a joke to lots of people. I know that, I get it. But behind the joking is a note of uncertainty.
So while you are laughing, maybe you should take some time to get your own heart ready. Read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 out loud.
We’ve been waiting a long time for Jesus to return. Why not tomorrow? Or Sunday or Monday. Any time would be a good time for Christ to come again.
Even so, Come, Lord Jesus.