Give What You’ve Got

January 10, 2014

“There’s a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish—but what are they for so many?” (John 6:9)

Even after the meager bit of food is offered to Jesus, it’s still not very much. You couldn’t feed the “Sons of Thunder” with it, much less all 12 apostles, much less the vast crowd of men. But here is where the miracle must begin.

All too often, we are quick to make excuses, to evade responsibility, to give up and say, “It can’t be done.” And sometimes we do nothing because we think what we have doesn’t matter. “I can’t sing. I can’t speak. I’m not rich. I don’t have many talents. I’m not beautiful. I’m not well connected. I don’t know many people.”

But things change when we step forward and offer whatever we have to Jesus. He never asks us to start accumulating more before we begin to minister. It’s not as if he said to Andrew, “Go out and round up three dozen more biscuits and 15 more fish, and I’ll see what I can do.”

All he wants is what we have right now. As long as we keep what we have in our own hands, we are limited to what we can do. But when we transfer what we have to the mighty hands of Jesus, there is no limit to what he can do.

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