Interview Marathon

May 7, 2007

This is Day 5 of our seven-day trip to Chicago. We arrived last Thursday night and have been going pretty much nonstop since then. Friday was taken up with plans for the Skype shower for Mark and Vanessa, Saturday with putting together the Keep Believing mailing, Sunday with preaching at Arlington Heights Free Church and lunch with some friends and then spending the evening with Josh and Leah, and today is an interview marathon.

7:40 AM WMBI-FM (Chicago)
8:30 AM WRMB, (Boynton Beach, FL)
9:30 AM WCTS (Minneapolis)
10 AM WDLM, East Moline, IL
10:20 AM WWJC (Duluth, MN)
11:00 AM WCRF (Cleveland)
1:05 PM KTIS (St. Paul, MN)
2 PM Connection Radio (Albuquerque, NM)
3:10 PM Prime Time Chicago on WMBI
3:30 PM Urban Praise on WMBI-AM (Chicago)
4:00 PM KKMS (Minnaepolis)
4:30 PM Prime Time America (Moody Network)

I have added links for the stations where the interview is being broadcast live. The remaining interviews will be taped for later broadcast. I wrap up the day with a live one-hour TV interview on the Total Living Network, available on many cable and satellite networks:

9 PM Total Living Network (National TV network)

For the past several days, I’ve been fighting a bad chest cold that gave me some voice problems while I preached yesterday. During lunch with some friends after the third service, Dr. David Claus called in a prescription that has me feeling much better this morning. I’m rested and ready to go. And while I’m at Moody all day long, Marlene will be visiting with some friends.

So it’s a good and busy day for both of us. I hope you’ll tune in to hear at least one of the interviews if you can.

8:20 AM Update. I almost didn’t make my first interview. We drove in from West Chicago, a suburb west of Wheaton, and got caught in traffic on the Eisenhower Expressway. I was supposed be on at 7:45 AM and at 7:43 Marlene dropped me off at Chicago and LaSalle and I sprinted to the studio just in time for the interview with Mark Elfstrand.

12:45 PM Update. When I came to Moody this morning, I had nine radio interviews scheduled plus the TV interview tonight. Two more were added to the schedule. So far I’ve done six interviews and my voice has held up reasonably well. Special thanks to Janis Backing and Drew Schadegg for setting up the interviews and making sure I’m where I need to be.

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?