Hot News
August 17, 2006
Here are some odds and ends on a hot and muggy afternoon (the only kind we have in Mississippi in August):
1) We have just posted the newest sermon in the “Understanding God’s Plan (Romans 9-11)” series:
God Unchanging
2) Speaking of sermons, here are two that bear on the current situation in the Middle East:
Seven Signs of the Second Coming
The Winds of War
3) In the same vein, quite a few people have asked if the Holy Land Tour scheduled for January 17-26, 2007 has been canceled. The answer is no. Just this morning I spoke to our tour operator who told me that we already have 13 people signed up. Please read this update called Peace Returns to Northern Israel for specific details. At the moment there are over 100,000 tourists in Israel, with over three million expected this year. Though no one can predict how the larger political situation will develop, I see no reason at this time why the tour will not go forward in January. So if you’ve been thinking about going to the Holy Land, it’s time to sign up as we tour Israel and see the land of the Bible.
Marlene and I plan to lead the tour in January and at least two of our sons will be going with us, God willing. I will be teaching the Bible at every stop.
If you need a copy of the brochure, send me an email with your address and I’ll drop one in the mail.
If you have questions or just want to talk about this further, send me an email or give me a call at 662-869-5295 or 708-280-5028.
4) Anthony Bollback has just posted the latest edition of China Clippings.