Heading for New York
January 30, 2006
7:45 AM Tom and Sharon Nutter recently adopted a baby (Danielle) from China. They’ve blogged about their adoption adventure.
7:43 AM Pastors, be sure to check out Transforming Sermons, a weblog devoted to preaching sermons that change lives by the effective proclamation of the Word of God.
7:29 AM Zion Church of Sheboygan, WI recently voted to leave the United Church of Christ because of the denomination’s increasing departure from biblical truth. Pastor Steve Pederson has served the church since 1992. He said that before the vote was taken, “people talked about the Bible and the need to follow the Bible.” God bless Pastor Pederson and the good folks of Zion Church. It’s never easy to make a decision like this, and some people will misunderstand your reasons. But truth matters. I think in the end that’s what it comes down to. Truth matters.
7:27 AM Pontiac (IL) Bible Church has a team in Biloxi, MS this week doing Hurricane Katrina relief work. You can read all about it on Brian Bill’s weblog.
7:25 AM Marlene and I are packed and ready to go to the airport. We’re flying to Albany, New York, and then heading on to Pottersville on the southern tip of Schroon Lake, high in the Adirondack Mountains, home of Word of Life Bible Institute. Starting tomorrow morning I’ll be teaching Galatians to the first-year students.
7:25 AM 176 miles.