He Found Anchor Under a Prison Mattress
November 30, 2022
Recently I heard from a friend who sent me this message. He met a man in the Philippines who now lives in Mexico. But get this. While this man was in prison in the United States, the following thing happened (in his own words):
He remembers the exact date when it happened:
We don’t know who put the copy of Anchor under the mattress of that prison bed. But we know who was behind it! At just the right moment, God made sure that this man laid down on exactly the right bunk and “happened” to find a copy of An Anchor for the Soul.
But nothing ever just “happens.”
It wasn’t luck or fate or chance.
It was the hand of God moving from heaven.
The Lord knew this man was searching for salvation. That’s why everything happened at just the right time in exactly the right place so that he would find this little “gospel book,” read it, and be saved.
2 Timothy 2:9 says, “God’s Word is not chained!”
Prison bars can’t keep out the Word of God.
Please pray for this man who has been radically and powerfully changed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
And thank you for giving and for praying. We depend on your prayers and your gifts to keep on giving away copies of An Anchor for the Soul (over 900,000 so far).
Thank you for standing with us for over 20 years!