Groundbreaking Sunday
June 1, 2003
GROUNDBREAKING SUNDAY by Ray Pritchard The elders have designated June 29 as Groundbreaking Sunday for our renovation project. A number of unique features will make it a Sunday unlike any other in the history of our church. Here are the details: On that Sunday there will be only one service, which will begin at 10:30 a.m. We will meet in the west parking lot. We plan to erect an enormous tent (with canopies) capable of holding 1,200-1,400 people. The service will include an outdoor baptism in a special baptismal tank. We will hear from our children, our youth, our choir, and our contemporary worship teams. There will be a Reader’s Theater tracing the 88-year history of our church. There will be a special challenge regarding our stewardship campaign. The entire offering received that Sunday will be set aside for the renovation project. We will formally dedicate the project to the Lord. We plan to have a picnic lunch for the entire congregation after the service. Here are some things for all of us to think about: Parking will be at a premium that day so plan to come early. Bring a picnic lunch with you with extra food for several other people. Do not bring anything that needs to be plugged in for warming or cooling. We do not want any appliances, hot plates, refrigerators, etc, plugged into our already-overloaded electrical system. Please bring with you the largest cash offering you can bring. Everything given on June 29 goes into the Building Fund. Nothing received that day goes into the General Fund. This is a time for children to bring their pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars and dollars. It’s also a time for all of us to rummage around and find extra money. If you have some cash in a cookie jar, if you’ve been saving for a special day, this is the time to bring the money and give it to the Lord for the work of his church. As you think about what you can give on Groundbreaking Sunday, use this question to guide your thinking: “Lord, what do you want to do through me to accomplish your will in our church?” We all have a part to play in the great challenge that is before us. None of us can do all of it, but together we can reach our goal. If each of us will seek the Lord regarding what he wants to accomplish in us, the work will quickly be done. First things first. Circle June 29 on your calendar. Please plan to join us as we celebrate the beginning of our renovation program.