Good Words for Today: September 2
This week I’ve been reading about Charles Alexander, a man previously unknown to me. During the early 1900s, he was known around the world for his gospel music ministry with R. A. Torrey and J. Wilbur Chapman. He was to those preachers what Cliff Barrows has been to Billy Graham. During a crusade in Toronto, a young convert told pianist Robert Harkness that he feared he could not “hold out” because he thought his faith was too weak. Harkness asked Miss Ada Habershon of London to compose a song that would help those who felt their faith was too weak. The result was a lilting gospel song called “He Will Hold Me Fast.” Charles Alexander began to use it in crusades in Australia, New Zealand, England, Scotland, and eventually in the US, to great effect. Once one of the most-loved gospel songs in the world, eventually it was almost entirely forgotten. Here the original lyrics: When I fear my faith will fail, Christ will hold me fast; When the tempter would prevail, He can hold me fast.
He will hold me fast, He will hold me fast; For my Savior loves me so, He will hold me fast.
I could never keep my hold, He will hold me fast; For my love is often cold, He must hold me fast.Refrain
I am precious in His sight, He will hold me fast; Those He saves are His delight. He will hold me fast.Refrain
He’ll not let my soul be lost, Christ will hold me fast; Bought by Him at such a cost, He will hold me fast.Refrain
Several years ago Matt Merker revived this century-old song by giving it a new musical setting with an additional verse. Click on this link to watch the video:
This wonderful song reminds us we are not kept by our feeble hold on Christ but by his strong hold on us.
September 2, 2016