Good Words for Today: October 23
If I show up at the gates of heaven talking about how good I’ve been, I’m in real trouble. First of all, I haven’t been all that good. Too many sins come crowding into my memory, and those are only the ones I can remember. I testify that I am a sinner through and through; and left to myself, I don’t have a chance of going to heaven. My only hope of heaven is to cast myself completely on the Lord Jesus Christ who loved me and died for me. He is my only hope. If he can’t take me to heaven, I’m not going to go there. But I’m not worried. I’m trusting in Jesus to meet me at the gate and usher me into heaven. As the song says, “I need no other argument, I need no other plea. It is enough that Jesus died, and that he died for me.”
October 23, 2017