Good Words for Today: March 1

“A person without knowledge is no good. A person in a hurry makes mistakes” (Proverbs 19:2 GW). Slow down! That’s a good word for the middle of a busy week. It’s also a good word for the first day of Lent, the season of reflection that leads us to Holy Week. Across the centuries, Christians have used the metaphor of a journey to think about these days leading up to the cross. One translation of this verse says, “Being excited about something is not enough. You must also know what you are doing. Don’t rush into something, or you might do it wrong.” Do you know where you’re going today? If you don’t, how will you know when you get there? Solomon is not advising us to stay in bed all day. Far from it. He’s all in favor of decisive action. But before you launch out on this Wednesday, take a breath. Slow down. Make room for God in your life because without him you’re just running in circles.

March 1, 2017

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