Good Words for Today: June 4

When we are troubled by the events around us, we should ask ourselves, “Do I still believe in God?” Do we have a God so big that he transcends the shattering affairs of this world? Do we have a God who doesn’t have to watch Fox News to find out what’s going on in the Middle East? Perhaps we should keep Isaiah 6 in mind. That magnificent passage begins with the words “In the year that King Uzziah died.” That note is important because Uzziah was one of the best kings Judah ever had. When he died, the nation was plunged into turmoil. A golden age in Israel’s history was drawing to a close. Would the people continue to walk with God or would they return to idolatry? In that fateful moment, Isaiah came face to face with the living God. He says it this way: “I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and the train of his robe filled the temple” (Isaiah 6:1). Where is God? He’s not nervously pacing heaven wondering, “Who will I get to replace Uzziah?” Not at all. At that critical moment, God is where he has always been. Seated on his throne. That same is true today. The Lord of the universe is not worried about anything. He’s got the whole world in his hands. Keep that in mind as we go through the next few months between now and Election Day.

June 4, 2016

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