Good Words for Today: July 27

Most of us know the antiphonal chant between the pastor and the congregation that goes like this: Pastor: God is good. Congregation: All the time. Pastor: And all the time. Congregation: God is good. Somewhere I read that that chant started in the churches of Nigeria. When I mentioned that in one of my sermon emails, I got a note the next week from a lady in Lagos, Nigeria who said, “It’s true. We do say that in our churches. But we add something. After we say that chant, everyone then says in unison: ‘I am a witness.’” That’s good. That’s powerful. That’s biblical. Maybe you should stop right now and say those words out loud: God is good . . . all the time. And all the time . . . God is good. I am a witness!

July 27, 2016

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