Excellent Article on the Chinese Bible Church of Oak Park

November 20, 2008

The Wednesday Journal ran a nice article on the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Bible Church of Oak Park. The church has a long legacy of faithful ministry and now is a multicultural congregation with services in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. Last Sunday all three groups gathered in the sanctuary for the anniversary service. As I preached in English, the sermon was translated simultaneously into Cantonese and Mandarin. The picture comes from the Wednesday Journal article, which offers a very positive story about the good work this church is doing. Pastor Emeritus Timothy Fung (seated to my right) serves as a member of the Keep Believing Board of Reference. During the service I would ask about this person or that person, and he would say, “I led him to Christ” or “He joined as a young man and grew up in the church.” His ministry laid a strong foundation for the church’s current growth under the leadership of Pastor Raj Christodoss and Pastor Yoman Man.

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