Don Cole and the NRB Hall of Fame
February 20, 2006
When I woke up at 4:30 AM, I decided that agreeing to the 5:30 AM interview with the station in Chattanooga wasn’t such a good idea. I had to defrost the ice off my windshield before I could drive to the Gaylord for the interview, which took place in the cavernous, empty NRB exhibit hall. But Andy Napier asked very good questions and I felt wide awake by the time we finished at 6:10 AM. Then back to the hotel to pack, then back to the Gaylord for breakfast with John Maddex and Doug Hastings from Moody radio. Afterwards I walked the exhibit floor and ran into Don Cole, radio pastor and host of the twice-weekly Bible Q&A program on Open Line on the Moody network. On Tuesday night Don will be inducted into the NRB Hall of Fame. He richly deserves it for his years of faithful ministry answering thousands of questions from young and old alike. Having listened to him many times, I am continually amazed by his ability to answer complex Bible questions and to give wise pastoral counsel to callers with difficult personal issues. When I think of Don Cole, the words integrity, wisdom and compassion come to mind. In honoring him, the NRB honors itself by recognizing a man who has helped so many people.