Da Colts! Da Colts!

February 10, 2007

So we arrive back home late last night, dead tired from a week of ministry at Word of Life Florida. Besides speaking 11 times, I had lunch and supper meetings, meetings between the services, people to talk to, books to sign, people who wanted me to pray with them, and so on. It was a good week, always is when I go to a conference, but by the end, you are a bit worn out. Then there is the time spent in airports, security, waiting, boarding, flying, deplaning, picking up your luggage, picking up Dudley, picking up your mail, etc etc etc. Plus it was warm in Florida and it’s cold in northeast Mississippi. Not Buffalo cold, but colder than Tampa. So we were tired and glad to be home when we finally made it back to the cabin last night. I checked the answering machine and saw that we had only one message for the whole time we were gone. I decided to listen to it this morning.

“Da Colts! Da Colts! How ’bout those Colts? The Bears have gone down.”

I have no idea what he was talking about.

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