Curing the Itch Mites

August 20, 2008

We have just posted a new podcast called Curing the Itch Mites. The title comes from an attack of the itch mites that happened to most of the people who attended Mark and Vanessa’s wedding reception in Chicago in August 2007. Those tiny insects (invisible to the naked eye) left itchy red welts on most of our guests. Marlene and I were definitely not exempt for their attack. The story of the itch mites became the theme of our final message at the Word of Life Couples Conference several months later. Here is the text of our talk.

We are speaking at another couples conference October 31-November 2 at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference in New Jersey. When they asked us a few months ago for a blurb they could use, this is what I sent in:

Built to Last: How to Be Happy and Married at the Same Time

There are happy people and there are married people, but they aren’t always the same people. Ray and Marlene Pritchard bring to this topic the experience of 34 years of marriage, raising three sons, adding two sweet daughters-in-law to their family, moving eight times, raising two fine basset hounds, pastoring three churches, and thirty-plus years of encouraging other married couples. They definitely don’t claim to be experts—far from it. During this weekend they will share about their own journey, and why they believe you can be married and happy—if not all the time, then most of the time. They will share together in a team-speaking format that allows you to hear from both of them in every session.

I like the way that sounds, especially the part about two fine basset hounds—who happen to be flopped on the rug about four feet behind my chair. But I also like the part about our two sweet daughters-in-law. Leah and Vanessa are wonderful girls and every time I hear their voices on the phone, I start smiling. Josh and Mark have this in common with their father—they married up, which is always a good idea.

I’ve been thinking about all this because on Friday Marlene and I celebrate our 34th anniversary. We’re going to drive over to Birmingham, stay in a nice hotel, have a good meal, maybe go to a movie (but probably not—I bet we’ll end up watching the Olympics), and we’re going to see Nick for dinner or for breakfast. 

On the eve of the eve of our wedding anniversary, I am a happy and blessed man. 

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?