Create in Me a Clean Heart

April 25, 2007

We have just posted a new sermon called Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Serious Call to Sexual Purity. Here’s an excerpt:

Purity is worth it because the pure in heart see God. They know him deeply, personally, intimately. They have an inner peace that others do not have. They see God and know the comfort of his presence and the joy of his blessing. Purity will cost you a great deal, but it’s one investment you will never regret.

However, I have some better news for you. Jesus has something he wants to say to you. “Rise and walk” is the Lord’s message to every broken sinner. “Go and sin no more.”

Many Christians waste a lot of time trying to have a better past. You can’t change the past, but you can do something about the future. By God’s grace you can be clean and pure from this day forward. You don’t have to live in guilt or fear or shame any longer. Rise and walk, child of God. Get up out of the muck and mire of shameful defeat. In the name of Jesus, rise and walk!

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?