Christmas in Two Words

December 12, 2008

How would you capture the essence of Christmas in just two words?

Two words.
Nothing more.
Nothing less.

I started thinking about this morning and found it a helpful exercise–like trying to write a headline for the Bethlehem Daily Journal. And remember, headlines should be pithy, factual, memorable. Here are a few to get you started.

Light Shines.
Heaven Arrives.
Christ Comes.
Angels Sighted.
Darkness Defeated.
Jesus Born.
Herod Hoodwinked.
Welcome Messiah.
Prophets Foretold.
God Infleshed.
Unto Us.
Good News!
Great Joy!
God Here!

That took me about four minutes–and it greatly warmed my heart. Now it’s your turn. Help us think of some more two-word Christmas headlines.

Do you have any thoughts or questions about this post?