Christmas Eve Scooter Caper
December 24, 2014
What do you when it’s time for the Christmas Eve party in China but you don’t have a car? You hop on two ancient electric scooters, strap Violet on Josh’s chest, put Marlene and Leah and Knox on one scooter, add the gifts and goodies for the party, and put Josh and me and Violet on the other scooter with the diaper bag strapped to my back.
Chinese scooters are not built for two big guys like Josh and me so that little scooter groaned and creaked and scraped bottom but it never gave up.
Driving in China is a free-for-all sport. Cars share the road with motorcycles, scooters, trucks, wagons, and pedestrians. If you don’t have a lane, you make one. Stop lights are suggestions. Josh and Leah are both fearless drivers. They would cut right into oncoming traffic, weaving in and out, laughing as they went.
We laughed with them–and held on for dear life. As you can tell, we’re having a great time.
Merry Christmas from China!