Calling All Bible Readers!

November 7, 1999

By now you probably know that Calvary is sponsoring a Bible Reading Marathon during the last 90 hours of this year. We will mark the arrival of the new millennium by publicly reading God’s Word from the pulpit of the church starting with the first verse of Genesis at 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 28, and ending with the final verse of Revelation at 12:00 midnight on Friday, December 31. For the last month or so we’ve been organizing the 90 hours into 30 three-hour periods called watches. We have recruited Watch Captains who will oversee the reading during a particular three-hour period. Each three-hour watch is broken down into 15-minute periods. During each of those 15-minute periods we are inviting members and regular attenders to read the Bible from the pulpit. That means the entire Bible will be read in 360 15-minute periods, averaging two-three chapters per period.

This is where you come in. We’ve been doing some preliminary sign-up and have many time slots already filled. However, we still need over 100 volunteers to sign up as Bible readers.

Starting today, you can sign up in the Resource Center between services. We need some brave folks who don’t mind coming at 2:00 a.m. or 4:15 a.m. and we need readers who can come at 9:45 a.m. or 10:45 p.m., and every time period in between.

I particularly want to see readers who represent the diversity of our congregation. I know that we have people attending Calvary from many different nations. I would like to see readers from Nigeria, China, Korea, Thailand, India, Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Jordan, Greece, Spain, Italy, Israel, the Ukraine, Croatia, France, Peru, Ecuador, the Philippines, Pakistan, Morocco, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Haiti, to name just a few countries. But I don’t want to recruit people from outside the church. All these nations are represented at Calvary already. Now I need you to volunteer to be a Bible reader. You can enlist family members to read with you or you can read the entire 15 minutes by yourself.

We also need new Christians, senior adults, recent attenders, singles, single parents, grandparents, teenagers, college students, graduate students, young couples, empty nesters, and newlyweds, to name just a few categories.

All reading will be done in English using the New International Version. When you sign up, you’ll receive a sheet with complete instructions.

This is truly an event for everyone. We’ll never see another millennium and we’ll probably never read through the Bible like this again. To be successful, we need everyone to participate. That means we need you to volunteer. Will you be part of the Bible Reading Marathon? Say “Yes” and sign up today.

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