Back to the Cabin
March 17, 2006
After more than two weeks living out of suitcases, it’s time to go home to the cabin in the woods. Alan sent an email saying that the big logs have been replaced and the workers have finished all the related repairs. We haven’t been able to live in the cabin since before our trip to Florida on February 23. It will be good to be back home again. Traveling is fun, but it does wear on you after a while, and it’s a good feeling to think that even though we’ve got to drive 615 miles today, we’ll be back in the cabin tonight.
And we’ve enjoyed being back in Oak Park and seeing so many friends over the last few days. So here’s a shout out to Dawn Olson for allowing us to stay with her one more time, plus a shout out to Cliff and Phyllis Raad, Deb Boisse, John Sergey, Frank and Lois Catrambone, Dom Catrambone, Colleen Sahlas, Julie Irwin, Mirela Ursache, Kris Sagan, Matt Sagan, Bernie Fillmore, John Sredl, Vern Henriksen, the children of Oak Park Christian Academy, Pam Stewart, Marge Utigard, Toni Horras, Mary Fields, Mari Burda, Margie Gilchrist, Shirley Wilson, Nancy Kamm, Angie Steinhart, Kent and Nancy Magnusson, the postal lady we saw on the street who made sure our mail got forwarded to Tupelo, Pam Compasio, Terri Benno, Candy Morris, Soo Ai Kudo, Carol Klobucher, Mary Mattucci, Matt Tucker, Roy Patterson, Betty Nelson, Dave Hoy, Carol Maczka, Wayne Kuna, Peggy Wick and Melodie McKenzie.
We got to spend a fun evening with Josh and Leah. Josh ordered Thai food and we talked a lot about the plans for their wedding in July. Marlene is so happy to finally be having another woman in the family. She’s waited 32 years, but she’ll only have to wait about four more months. Leah was excited to show us her beautiful diamond ring. When we said goodbye at the end of the evening, Leah hugged us warmly and it felt like she was already a part of our family, which she really is. Josh grinned when I told him, “You hit the big home run, son.”
I’m writing this note a little after 5 AM. We’ve had a great visit, and now it’s time to pack up and head south.