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The Day Before the End of the World

February 16, 2010

If this be the day before the end of the world, let it be a day in which we say, “Not less for Jesus, but more.”

How to Make a Tough Decision

February 9, 2010

In making a tough decision there comes a time when we must take a step of faith and leave the results in the hands of the Lord.

Has God Lost the Battle?

February 2, 2010

No matter how hopeless the situation looks, God has not lost the battle. In the end we’re going to come out on the winning side.

Why Good People Don’t Go to Heaven

January 26, 2010

You can go to heaven if you are willing to stop trusting your goodness and start trusting in Jesus Christ.

Praying for Your Prodigal

January 20, 2010

When you pray for a loved one who seems hardened against the Lord, pray that the eyes of their heart might be opened so that the light of God can come flooding in. And if that seems hopeless, at least it puts the hopeless case at God’s doorstep, which is where it belongs.

I Will Pour Out My Spirit On All People

January 4, 2010

When God pours out his Spirit on his people, they are never the same again.

Do Not Take Your Holy Spirit From Me!

December 29, 2009

The best way not to lose the Holy Spirit in our midst is to watch and pray that it might not happen. Take nothing for granted.

Eighth-Day Savior

December 21, 2009

What would it cost Jesus to be the Savior of the world? He paid for our sins with the price of his own blood. Jesus is just one week old, and already he enters into the pain of human existence.

A Question for Jesus

December 15, 2009

If Christ has really been born, why is the world so messed up? Why aren’t things better by now?

Do Not Quench the Holy Spirit

December 8, 2009

Let the cry ring out to heaven–"Lord, we are ready. Let the fire fall!”