Anchors Donated to “3 Minutes Out”

January 29, 2015

Navy Seal Jon Tumilson

I met Joy McMeekan several years ago when I spoke at Brian Bill’s Installation Service at Edgewood Baptist Church in Rock Island, IL. Joy’s brother Jon, a Navy Seal, died while serving in Afghanistan in 2011. In his honor, Joy and her husband Scott started a nonprofit called “3 Minutes Out” that sends care packages to our soldiers serving around the world. Later Scott would die of cancer. Joy carries on the ministry with the help of many friends and volunteers.

That night they asked if we would donate copies of An Anchor for the Soul to add to their care packages. We were very glad to do that. In the video that accompanies this article, you can see a stack of Anchors on a shelf behind Joy at approximately the 1:38 mark.

We’re honored to have a small part in the good work being done by 3 Minutes Out. I hope you’ll take a moment to watch the video and then pray for this ministry. I know they could also use your financial support.

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