A Quiet Miracle

February 14, 2018

“On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding” (John 2:1-2).

Two things stand out to me in the story of Jesus turning water into wine. First, Mary expects her son to do something about the wine running out. No doubt for a long time Mary had wanted to share with others the secret about Jesus. She wanted them to know that he was no ordinary child, that he was the “Son of the Most High” who would one day establish a kingdom that will never end. But that grand achievement seemed very remote on that day in the little village of Cana when the wine ran out before the wedding was over.

Second, we see in this miracle the hidden power of our Lord. As far as we know, he never touched the water jars or said, “Let the water be turned to wine.” He didn’t pray an audible prayer. He didn’t announce his intentions. He simply willed the miracle, and it came to pass.

First there was water.
Then there was wine.

It was a quiet miracle that was completely unexpected.

But there is more.

There was plenty of wine for everyone.
He provided “good wine.”

Jesus not only meets the need, he goes above and beyond. When Jesus comes to the party, no one goes home thirsty.

Here is good encouragement for the fearful. The same Lord who willed the water to become wine can help you in your time of need. He will never leave you nor forsake you.

If you need a miracle today, take heart. He can do what others call impossible. He is the “above and beyond” Savior.

Mary will live to see her wish come true as multitudes believe in Jesus. But for now, this first miracle brings joy to a wedding feast. Those who understand believe in him.

A “quiet miracle” saved the day at Cana. It is a harbinger of much more to come.

Lord Jesus, open our eyes to see you at work all around us. Thank you for joy that can never be taken away. Amen.

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