A Prisoner’s Testimony

September 19, 2023
Recently we received an email from an inmate in a New York prison who read “An Anchor for the Soul.” Here is part of what he wrote:
“I was sent your book called An Anchor for the Soul. I started reading the book because I gave my life to Christ on 7-31-2023, and since then my life has changed a lot.
I have been born again, and upon my release in January I am going to be baptized.
Once I started reading, I could not put the book down.
I stayed awake almost all night reading it from front to back. Now I’m reading it for the second time in two days because I don’t want to miss a word it says.
I’ll probably read it for a third time before I pass it on to another inmate.
Besides my Bible being the best book I have ever read, An Anchor for the Soul is most definitely the second best.
Thank you for writing such an inspiriting book for the world to read.”
Please pray for this inmate and for many more like him. God is at work in prisons across America. We’re honored to partner with prison ministries to get “An Anchor for the Soul” into the hands of men and women who need Jesus.
Thank you for your prayers and your support.