A Final Thanks
October 29, 2009
Before we get too much back in the rhythm of everyday life, I wanted to say thank you to the friends who traveled with us to Israel. We knew most but not all of them before the tour. They are all close friends now. On our second day in Jerusalem, we took a group picture on the Mount of Olives with the Temple Mount, the Dome of the Rock, and the Old City of Jerusalem in the background.
I think there are many advantages to a smaller group. We all got to know each other, we were able to visit more sites than some of those mega-groups, and we had a lot of fun together. Every evening in Jerusalem, we ate dinner together and talked about what we had seen that day. One tour member said that those discussions were the highlight of the tour for her.
Here are the names of those who traveled with us to Israel: Front row L-R: Judy Yorke, Howard Yorke, Carolyn Ersig, Irene Danson, Katie Westcomb, Ann Olsson, Bev Barner. Back row L-R: Dean Ersig, Ray Pritchard, Bill Danson, Sharon Schneider, Marlene Pritchard, Karl Olsson, Tips Just, Marvin Just. Kneeling in front: Malcolm Cartier, our amazing tour guide.
Our thanks to everyone who went and to everyone who followed along on the blog, on Facebook, and on Twitter. We hope you’ll join us on our next trip to the Holy Land. We don’t have a date yet, but I’m sure we will go back again. And if you don’t go with us, find a good group and go with them. It’s one trip you’ll never regret.