Wednesday, September 17, 2003
September 17, 2003
6:32 PM Several days ago we received a request for 1000 copies of “An Anchor for the Soul” to be given to those who complete the Sailors for Christ course at the Great Lakes Naval Station. Today a request came in for 150 copies for a women’s prison in Massachusetts. Here’s an excerpt from someone in the District of Columbia jail in Washington, D.C.:
I just completed reading “An Anchor for the Soul.” What a blessing! I know now that I am a child of God. I have received Christ into my life (pages 113 and 117).
2:10 PM Move over, Michael Jordan. If you want to see what I would look like if I were MJ (a truly out-of-this-world thought), go to the Calvary homepage and wait a few seconds for the animation to begin. When you see a banner in the upper righthand corner that says, “Guys’ Night Out,” click on it. There you will see me and MJ—all in one image. 2:02 PM Spent time today answering a large stack of letters from prisoners who had read An Anchor for the Soul. Some of the letters were deeply moving. Here’s one sample:
(From a prisoner in Michigan)Although I am a born-again believer and Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, I enjoyed reading your book, “An Anchor for the Soul,” which gives a simple message about the gospel. I thank you and your ministry for supplying vital tools of ministry to so-called societal write-offs.
1:58 PM Jim and Amelia Rak wrote the Living Sacrifices devotional for today based on Matthew 6:19-20, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven.” Here’s an excerpt:
People can come with you to the Kingdom Zone. Love people by sharing the good news about Jesus and what He has done, and go out of your way to care for them. Love someone into the Kingdom Zone today!