Wednesday, October 20, 2004
October 20, 2004
9:28 PM Johann Buis kindly provided a translation of the Dutch sentence mentioned below: “His service [sphere of influence] is not limited to the USA, but extends far beyond it.” Johann also says he’s looking forward to grits tomorrow morning. 4:25 PM Stop the presses! I have just learned that Mari Burda has added grits to the First Watch menu for tomorrow morning. All you Northern men, this is your chance to sample a true Southern delicacy. 4:23 PM This week’s Christian Carnival is now online. As usual, there is a wide range of Christian articles from many places. It includes my entry called “Bob and Amber’s Excellent Adventure.” 1:50 PM I just received several copies of “An Anchor for the Soul” in Dutch. The title reads “Een Anker voor de Ziel.” In the section about the author, I found this sentence: “Zijn bediening is niet beperkt gebleven tot de USA, maar reikt tot ver daarbuiten.” If anyone knows what that means, let me know. I also found this sentence, which I can figure out on my own: “Ray en zijn vrouw Marlene zijn dertig jaar getrouwd en hebben drie zoons, Joshua, Mark en Nicholas.” I saw one of my “zoons” this morning when he rushed out the door to go to class at Moody. 1:49 PM Greg and Ellen Chadaranek are very happy about the new Fannie May candy. 10:00 AM Go Red Sox! Beat those Yankees. 10:00 AM Eat supper with a real live missionary tonight. We start serving at 5:30 PM. The missionaries will be speaking in three different seminars at 7 PM. 9:59 AM Bo Jackson! Call 708/445-3030 for details. 9:58 AM Biscuits and gravy! We start serving at 5:55 AM tomorrow morning.