Wednesday, March 17, 2004
March 17, 2004
2:56 PM UPI religion writer Uwe Siemon-Netto discusses the “revival” of Satan in light of the Madrid train bombing and the prominence of Satan in “The Passion of the Christ.” Here is his powerful conclusion:
Indeed, we are not contending against flesh and blood. This is the message of Gibson’s work — and evidently of the ever-increasing horrors brought into everybody’s living or bedroom via cable television and the Internet. The devil as a person is once again becoming a high probability for the once doubting public.
2:41 PM After I mentioned that we played “carpet golf” last week at Word of Life Florida, a friend sent this note: “I am working with my mom on her Women’s Fall Retreat for her church and am in charge of the “game” time again this year. After reading about your Carpet Golf Tournament – I thought it would work perfectly for us too.” I’m sure Harry Bollback could do much better, but here is my explanation. 2:23 PM Note to those who watch the worship service live via the Internet: Starting this Sunday, the broadcast begins at 11:30 AM Central Time. As always, if you don’t watch the service live, it will be archived within a couple of days and then you can watch it whenever you like. For more information, go to this website. 2:20 PM Our new worship schedule begins this Sunday. I saw the tech guys a few minutes ago working on some details. Earlier today Dave Worth, pastor of River Forest Presbyterian Church, came by to see the renovations. When I showed him the balcony in the gym, we got a good look at the computers and monitors that will project Power Point on the big screen and also simulcast the sermon from the sanctuary. 2:15 PM Happy St. Patrick’s Day. Click here for a rich variety of sources relating to the man behind the holiday.