Wednesday, Marc h 24, 2004
March 24, 2004
10:33 PM We just posted a new sermon series on The Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5). Special thanks to Kathy Duggins for putting these sermons on the website. Included in this series are sermons on “Happy are the Sad,” “God’s Peace Corps,” “What We Saw in India,” “The Tragedy of Double Vision,” and “The Salt and Light Brigade.” 2:39 PM If you are looking for an effective pro-family organization, I heartily recommend the American Family Association. Yesterday I mentioned Focus on the Family and the good work they are doing. In the days to come, I plan to highlight other excellent organizations. I’m particularly fond of the AFA because I have been to their national headquarters in Tupelo, Mississippi many times. I know their founder, Don Wildmon. His son Tim is a personal friend. Several years ago Steve Meyer and I took a road trip to Tupelo so I could do a radio interview at the AFA studios. I hope you’ll browse their vast website. It’s loaded with excellent pro-family resources. 8:12 AM Here’s the latest update from Pastor Henoc Lucien in Cap-Haitien, Haiti. 7:08 AM A nice note from Greg Thornton of Moody Publishers:
In the “make your day” category, one of our veteran employees stopped me recently to share that she had the privilege to interview a candidate for membership at Armitage Baptist Church. Seems this fellow came to faith by reading An Anchor for the Soul at Cook County Jail! To God be the Glory!! He is now in ministry with Teen Challenge in the city. Isn’t God good!
7:00 AM A six-year-old boy visited Calvary last Sunday. It was only his second time ever to go to church. His grandmother shares what happened: The young boy
sat quietly but didn’t appear to really be listening, as is typical of a 6 year old. Well…yesterday he was playing with his cousin in our back yard and he was pounding one fist into his open hand saying “crucified, died and buried.” Now, where did he hear that? A while later he was walking around the house singing, “There is power, power, wonder working power…” he even had the right tune. So, Pastor Ray, don’t ever think people aren’t listening, you have a way of getting through to even the youngest among your flock.
That story works on a number of levels. First, it reminds us that our children absorb things even when we think they aren’t listening. And they absorb things even when they don’t know it! Best of all, it reminds me that our Lord loved little children. May God bless this young boy and help him to keep on growing in the knowledge of the Lord.