Wednesday, June 2, 2004
June 2, 2004
6:34 PM Check out the website for the Allied Force Worship Team. Very cool. Click on the names and up comes a picture and a personal bio. Among other things, I discovered that Katie Suriano’s favorite candy is something called “Swedish Fish” and Robert Napolitano loves the song “Somewhere I Belong” by Linkin Park. Lots of good tidbits tucked away on this website. 5:38 PM Justin Olson, a pitcher with the Fort Myers Miracle (the High A affiliate of the Minnesota Twins), has been chosen to pitch in the Florida All-Star Game on June 12. Click on the link to see a picture of Justin and a nice write-up about the All-Star game. Here’s some info about Justin:
The 24-year-old Olson is also in his second professional season and its his first All-Star selection. He is 4-3 with a 3.72 ERA and five saves and is currently fourth in the FSL in games with 23. In 29.0 innings hes walked 18 and struck out 34 while the opposition is hitting .257 against him. Olson spent part of the 2003 season with the Miracle where he went 2-0 with a 2.25 ERA and one save in six games.
PS He’s from Oak Park and is part of our church family. 11:58 AM My Wednesday night Pastor’s Bible Class does not meet during the summer. However, several people from the class have banded together to have a home Bible study instead every other Wednesday night. Kathy Brownfield will host the first one tonight at 7 PM at her home, 1407 S. 57th Ct. in Cicero. 11:54 AM Counting down … 4 days until the Family Fun Fest—June 6, 12:30-2:30 PM 10 days until the Faith and Freedom Concert—June 12, 7 PM 11:46 AM Recently we sent 1000 copies of An Anchor for the Soul to Rick Warken with Word of Life to used in street evangelism in New York City. Here’s his report—just received this morning:
We gave all the books away to people in Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Queens, Staten Island and North Plainfield, NJ. The response was incredible. The people are still very hungry and were taking the books out of our hands. Sometimes we stopped and before we had the book table set up people were already stopping us to talk to them. What an open door we sensed. We prayed that the “Anchor” books would certainly meet a tremendous need in the lives of the all who took them. I know we will hear testimonies in the near future. Thank you for your donation and for your backup of prayer. We felt like the people were very open. We did a subway ministry and two girls asked me, “What does your religion teach about the homosexual issue?” Well, talk about being flabergasted, I paused and prayed and didn’t conceive any preconceived notions like, are they? I just said, “I only believe what the Bible itself says.” That opened up a conversation that was short lived but so very much to the point. I just told them that Romans 1 tells us we have believed the lie of satan and that if we confess our sins (lies) God will cleanse us. Wow! When they jumped off the train the stop before us, the one girl was mouthing, as if to memorize, Romans chapter 1 over and over. I still wish I had jumped off with them to look at a detailed overview of what that chapter says. Oh well, I have not been left with a yearning like this one before, but if I could just get another chance…. Again, thank you for everything. Rick Warken Evangelist