Wednesday, July 28, 2004

July 28, 2004

2:23 PM Today’s entry in the Crosswalk weblog is called Why They Hate “Christers”. 10:37 AM One of my Crosswalk weblog entries has been chosen for this week’s Christian Carnival, a weekly selection of entries by Christian bloggers. A different Christian blogger hosts the carnival each week. The host chooses which articles to highlight and them divides them as he wishes. This week’s host decided to follow “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.” Next week it will be someone else hosting and a different set of categories. This is my third time to be part of the Christian Carnival. Good exposure in the blogosphere. Plus there are lots of other fascinating entries. 9:17 AM Wednesday shout-out and a prayer for healing for Shirley Banta at West Suburban Hospital in Oak Park. Marlene and I saw her yesterday and she was in her usual great spirits. We’re also praying for Tom Gibbons who was injured in a bicycle accident on Sunday near Geneva. He broke his collarbone, shoulder blade, and four ribs. As a biker myself, I know how easily these things can happen—and sometimes I am surprised they don’t happen more often. Get well soon, Shirley and Tom. 8:36 AM Last week at Word of Life, George Theis gave me a new book whose title tells it all: Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America. 8:34 AM I’m taping an interview with WGNR radio in Indianapolis at 10 AM.

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