Wednesday, January 7, 2004
January 7, 2004
10:30 PM Ron Feley sent an e-mail with the good news that Jackie’s surgery today went well:
Hello fellow prayer warriors, today was the happiest and saddest day of my life. It was a day where my prayers were answered and my gift from the Lord had major surgery. Very very very humbling day. As bad as my wife’s condition is, there is allways somebody who has it worse. I would like to thank all of you for your prayers and will forever be in debt to you all. Prayer is a very powerfull tool and I would have to say the Lord is pleased. I was at Loyola for 14 hours today and am very tired.On the other hand there was jackie in surgery for 7 hours and prior to leaving told her what a camper she is. She opened 1 eye, winked, and gave me the thumbs up sign. Good old Jackie chipper as allways. With unconditional love. Ron Feley
6:13 PM Phil Newton, pastor of South Woods Baptist Church in Memphis, TN, preached a powerful message recently on Courage, Fear and Folly. 6:09 PM Renovation Update: An enormous crane towered over our buildings today. The workers used to the crane to lift the air conditioning unit to the top of the West Wing. 6:07 PM Craig Hammond, our Pastor of Student Ministries, sent out an Allied Force January update containing this good news:
God Is At Work: Even though we took a break for Christmas and the holidays I still have seen God at work in many different ways: -We had close to 100 students show up for our Christmas Coffeehouse. -We had a great number of students bring their unsaved friends to the Christmas Coffeehouse. -We have a great group of students who will be going on the spring break missions trip to Memphis. -We had a number of students share how God is really at work in their lives during our last Thursday night IMPACT.
9:11 AM Chuck Colson reports that President and Mrs. Bush took part in Project Angel Tree a few days before Christmas.